FAQs for Incoming Exchange Students
General Information about studying in Linz can be found under http://www.jku.at/exchange/.
Go to http://cs.jku.at/teaching/courses/. Here you find the current lists of courses for the Bachelor and the Master programme. Further down you find also a separate list of all courses given in English.
Go to http://www.kusss.jku.at/kusss/coursecatalogue-start.action?advanced=true, select the desired semester in the top-right box and type in either the course title, the lecturer or the course number. Then click on the "Suche" button to see details about the course (time, room, lecturer). Most pages also have a link to the Homepage of the course where you can find more specific information.
The course contents are described in the course handbook. The bachelor courses are mostly in German, but the master courses are in English.
Go to https://kusss.jku.at and login with your student ID and password (which you will get upon arrival in Linz). Look up the requested course and register.
Go to http://cs.jku.at/teaching/. There you can find the curriculum description and other useful information.
You can look up the phone number and the email address of any JKU staff member by
using the search function at
If you know the institute go to
and click on the link for the respective institute. All institutes have detailed staff pages.
You can also look up people at http://cs.jku.at/research/faculty.phtml.
Go to http://cs.jku.at/research/institutes.html.
For every course there is an exam (usually in the last week of the semester).
For most courses this is a written exam, but some exams are also in oral form.
For exercises and practicals the mark is sometimes determined on the
basis of the submitted exercises.
If you have to leave before the exam, please talk to the lecturer to arrange an extra exam.
Most bachelor courses are in German, but all master courses are in English. For additional english courses see http://cs.jku.at/teaching/courses/ under the category "English courses".
Yes, there are such courses (see here). Pre-semester intensive German courses start 2-3 weeks before the semester (around the middle of February and middle of September). Exchange students get information about these courses and can sign up for them in the online form (link provided by the International Office after the nomination) There are also German language courses available during the semester.
It is required to arrive already 2-3 weeks before the semester starts (winter semester starts on October 1, summer semester starts on March 1) to participate in a compulsory Orientation Programme organized by the JKU International Office for exchange students. You will get plenty of information for your start at JKU, learn how to register for the courses (which sometimes get full very quickly), and hear about the administrative things that need to be taken care of after your arrival to Linz. The participation in the German intensive language course is also part of the Orientation Programme. Please see http://www.jku.at/exchange/ for further information.