- 2020-05-27: Prof. Gabriele Kotsis has been elected as the president of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) for the period 2020-2022. ACM is the world's largest scientific and educational computing society (based in New York) with about 100,000 members.
- 2018-01-04: JKU Computer Science is particularly strong in recent university rankings.
- 2017-12-12: Survey of JKU Computer Science Alumni (in German)
- 2014-01-20: JKU Master's program in Software Engineering ranked top 3 among all Austrian Engineering programs
- 2013-11-07: Dr. Thomas Würthinger from JKU is the winner of the Heinz Zemanek Award for the best Austrian dissertation 2012.
- 2013-07-14: Lingeling SAT solver awarded 7 medals at SAT Competition 2013
- 2013-05-21: Donald Knuth talks at JKU
- 2012-05-31: Die JKU erzielte im Times Higher Education Ranking den hervoragenden 41. Platz unter allen "jungen" Universitäten weltweit.
- 2012-04-18: Three JKU Computer Science students were honored by a PhD graduation "sub auspiciis praesidentis" in the presence of the President of Austria.