Computer Science
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Bachelor's Program in Informatik

The Bachelor's program in Informatik at JKU educates for a broad competence in computer science and its applications (see the curriculum). On the one hand, it lays the foundations on which later master studies can build; on the other hand, it offers a professional education by enabling students to apply scientific knowledge to practical problems and to acquire new knowledge in a process of life-long learning.

See also information for prospective students.

General structure

The Bachelor's program is a 3 years full-time program consisting of 120 teaching hours per week (180 ECTS). Most courses are given in German although there is a growing number of courses that are taught in English. Graduates are awarded the academic title Bachelor of Science (BSc). The program consists of the following modules (numbers in brackets are hours/week):

structure of the bachelor study in Computer Science


All necessary information for enrollment can be found here. The dates and deadlines can be found here.

Recommended course of study

The following table shows the recommended sequence of courses for the individual semesters:

recommended course of study

Related Bachelor's Programs at JKU

Last modified on Thursday, 06-Jun-2024 13:52:52 CEST